
The purpose of Madison’s Historic Preservation Program is to facilitate public knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the City’s historic past, promote better awareness of its architectural and cultural history, work with residents and business owners to preserve that history, and foster civic and neighborhood pride so that future generations will have the opportunity to appreciate and understand Madison’s unique cultural heritage.

Why Preservation Matters:

Promotes an increased quality of life, economic development, increased and stabilized property values, job creation, and environmental stewardship

Demonstrates community pride through caring for what we have already built so that we and future generations have a sense of our shared history

Ensures aesthetic quality and diversity of the surrounding environment we enjoy every day and upon which we depend

Provides guidance for new development projects boasting economic and social benefits without destroying our history

The Historic District Board of Review meets each month to provide input and direction to the City’s historic preservation efforts through the administration of the Historic District ordinance.


Permits and applications related to Historic Preservation may be filed using forms found in the document center or online using the button below

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